Saturday, June 20, 2009

Beach-bound, Turbulence Training body beautiful!

 This week I visited my father’s family in Bradenton, Florida; located on the beautiful southwest coast of Florida, surrounded by the Gulf of Mexico and Tampa bay.  Florida is hot in June, very hot.  Originally from the east coast, I had forgot how unbearable the humidity can be but the gulf breezes made the white sandy beaches a perfect place for a Turbulence training bodyweight workout. 
This week was also the fourth and final phase of my Arise and Shine cleanse.  In this “Master phase” a person is supposed to go without any food and only drink the cleansing shake and take the herbal supplements.  I choose not to do the Master phase since I was on vacation, I had access to fresh, locally grown Florida fruits and vegetables and frankly, I have to eat something if I want to workout!  Also, I was not prepared to fuel my body with the electrolytes I found to be so helpful for energy.  As a result, I extended the Power phase (one meal of organic fruits and vegetables per day) another week. 
I had 2 of the best workouts I have had in a long time.  I felt strong and enjoyed the movement of my body on the sand and in the water.  Thanks to the convenience of the Turbulence training philosophy, all I used was my bodyweight and a resistance band.  I did 3 sets of 15 reps for each superset and here are my workouts:

Day 1:  


Bulgarian split squats/Dyna-rows/Mountain climbers

8 50-yard sprints in soft sand

Bicep curl and tricep extension using dynaband

Day 2 (on Longboat Key pier)

Prisoner squats with Dynaband/Decline pushups/seated tucks

Step ups/Dyna-rows/Mountain climbers


Side lateral raise/Rear Delt row with dynaband

Bicep curl/dips


Eating out was tough; Chili’s does not do special orders well.  Cracker Barrel offers a vegetable dish but not the kind of vegetables I was able to eat.  A baked potato was luscious and is one of the best sources of potassium available.  Loved that.  We hit a produce stand and I loaded up on nectarines, peaches, tomatoes, carrots, spinach and sugar peas.  I enjoy eating like this and plan to continue eating mostly fruits and vegetables. However, I definitely plan on eating protein again!  

It’s all about self-discipline. I learned that most restaurants will special order when asked and now is the time to indulge in the local roadside produce stand gourmet goods!  I did drink alcohol twice and took a bite of fresh white fish but hey, that’s not bad if that’s the only way I cheated while on vacation.   I feel good and am ready to get back into the gym tomorrow!


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